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Alabama Consumer Protection Lawyers

Are creditors contacting your neighbors about your debt? Are angry and aggressive debt collectors calling you at all hours of the night? Have you been threatened with financial or bodily harm because of unpaid debts? These types of debt collection practices are illegal and intolerable. If you’re in this situation, contact experienced Alabama consumer law attorneys right away.

At Eric M. Wilson, LLC, we protect the rights and privacy of individuals in Tuscaloosa, Alabama and in the surrounding areas. Our highly efficient and experienced consumer protection attorneys work diligently to stop creditor harassment and help you obtain the debt relief you need.

Bankruptcy is often the best option to end harassment by debt collectors. Contact Eric Wilson Law LLC to establish your attorney-client relationship with our Alabama consumer protection lawyers. We offer a free consultation to all new clients.

What is a Debt Collector?

A debt collector is a person or company who seeks to collect money owed to themselves or others. Some debt collectors work independently, though many work for agencies. Attorneys who collect on debts owed to others are also debt collectors. They may also serve as middlemen, collecting delinquent debts and sending them to the original creditor.

A debt collector gets paid after they successfully collect a debt. This typically ranges from 25 to 50% of the collected amount. They pursue various types of debt including auto loans, student loans, credit cards, medical bills, personal loans, business loans, and unpaid cell phone or utility bills.

alabama consumer protection lawyers

Helping You Protect Your Rights

Debtors are not allowed to abuse, harass, or oppress those they contact, thanks to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). Instead, collectors follow the rules governing the collection of unpaid debts. The act covers money owed for medical bills, credit card accounts, or auto loans.

You may seek financial compensation for harassment if a collector does not follow these guidelines.

The following are examples of harassment:

  • Continuous phone calls aimed at harassing, abusing, or annoying whoever answers
  • Profane or obscene language
  • Threats of bodily injury or violence
  • Making public lists of businesses or consumers who are failing to pay debts
  • Not identifying themselves when they call you

Our firm takes creditor harassment very seriously. You can sue a debt collector for violating the FDCPA. If your suit is successful, the collector will have to pay your legal fees and other damages. Only debt collection attorneys and collectors working for professional collection agencies are held to FDCPA guidelines.

Be sure to check your credit reports after filing Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy to ensure that your discharge is listed accurately. You can file written disputes about information in your credit report under The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).

As your Tuscaloosa consumer protection attorney, Mr. Eric M. Wilson, protects your right to collect damages for a debt collector’s illegal practices.

We address the following when protecting the rights of our clients:

Debt Collection

Our law firm handles many cases about collectors engaging in shady debt collection procedures. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) regulates the methods used to collect debts.

Debt collector harassment is more than just an annoyance. Illegal collection activities negatively affect your family and your standing at work or school.

Mortgage Lending

Unscrupulous property sellers or mortgage companies regularly take advantage of real estate investors and homeowners. Federal laws called the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) dictate how to complete transactions while requiring lenders to give buyers substantial information about the property they’re purchasing.

alabama consumer protection lawyers

Consumer Credit

The costs of borrowing money are tallied and given to consumers in a specified way because the disclosure of terms is a requirement of the Truth in Lending Act (TILA). The law protects consumers against unfair and inaccurate credit billing practices.

How May a Debt Collector Contact You?

There are various ways a debt collector may contact you. These include phone, fax, mail, or in person. And unless you agree to it, a collector may not contact you outside the hours of 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. If your employer does not like calls at work, contacting you at your place of employment isn’t allowed either.

Can a Debt Collector Contact Anyone Else About Your Debt?

When you have an experienced consumer protection attorney on your side, the debt collector should contact the attorney instead of you. A collector may contact another person if you do not have an attorney, but only to get your address, your place of employment, and your phone number. It is usually against the law for collectors to contact such third parties more than once. You and your attorney should be the only ones who know about your debt and your debt collectors.

alabama consumer protection lawyers

Protecting You From Debt Consolidation Scams

At Eric Wilson Law LLC, our bankruptcy services also include teaching you how to avoid questionable debt consolidation companies. Many of these companies promise to negotiate with creditors on your behalf in order to pay down debts. However, many won’t begin negotiations until you have paid a certain amount of monthly fees. Meanwhile, creditors are still free to harass you for unpaid debts.

Hiring a skilled Tuscaloosa bankruptcy attorney is often the safest and most efficient way to obtain debt relief. At our law office, we offer legal advice tailored to your individual situation. We clearly explain the bankruptcy process and your rights under consumer protection laws so you always know what to expect next.

Bankruptcy Stops Debt Collector Harassment

Dealing with crippling debt and harassment from creditors can be too much to handle on your own. You are protected by the United States Bankruptcy Court once you file for bankruptcy. The court issues an automatic stay that requires that all debt collectors’ activities stop. This includes lawsuits, collecting on judgments, wage garnishments, and the dreaded phone calls and letters.

Even if your vehicle is in danger of repossession or your home is facing foreclosure, a bankruptcy filing stops it.

alabama consumer protection lawyers

Contact Our Alabama Consumer Protection Lawyers Today

With the help of consumer protection lawyers at Eric Wilson Law LLC, you can take advantage of the protection that bankruptcy offers as soon as possible. We’ve helped countless people achieve debt relief all while protecting them from collectors and big banks.

Eric Wilson is not just another name, number, and fee. He protects your confidential information, your home, your car, your finances, and your dignity while giving you a fresh start in life. Legal advice from the team at Eric Wilson Law LLC will save you from bad business practices and a lifetime of drowning in debt.

Filing for bankruptcy is a hard decision because many people are worried that Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 will ruin their credit forever. This is one of the many myths about bankruptcy. There are benefits to bankruptcy, and there is life after filing for bankruptcy.

Call 205-349-1280 today to begin your attorney-client relationship with Alabama consumer protection lawyers.

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.

The following language is required pursuant to Rule 7.2, Alabama Rules of Professional Conduct. No representation is made that the quality of legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers. This website is designed for general information only. The information presented at this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of a lawyer/client relationship.

Eric Wilson Law