Jasper Bankruptcy Lawyer

Bankruptcy Attorneys Serving Walker County, AL

Bankruptcy Lawyer - Jasper, AL

If you are facing overwhelming debts, you may be unsure of what your rights and options are in bankruptcy. At Eric M. Wilson, LLC, we take the time to explain what to expect throughout the bankruptcy process. Our Jasper bankruptcy attorney will examine your individual situation and determine which option best addresses your unique circumstances.

A Compassionate and Caring Bankruptcy Law and Consumer Protection Practice.

Give us a call today to arrange a free consultation to discuss your specific situation. Call 205-349-1280 – we serve clients throughout Jasper, AL and the surrounding areas.

Helping You Achieve Debt Relief

We understand that bankruptcy can be like a foreign language — it requires the assistance of an experienced attorney who knows how to avoid hidden pitfalls and meet all filing requirements.

Our Jasper Chapter 7 and 13 bankruptcy lawyer has helped countless individuals and families throughout the region achieve debt relief since 1996. Together with our experienced staff, we help you:

We dispel bankruptcy myths that may be holding you back from getting the debt relief you need. We will also help you understand the many benefits of bankruptcy and will analyze your unique situation to determine if it is the right option for you. After guiding you through the process, we will also help you prepare for life after bankruptcy by providing counsel on rebuilding your credit and how to continue living debt free.

We know that there are many reasons you could have fallen into debt. Maybe you lost your job or a loved one suffered a serious medical calamity that required expensive hospital treatment. Perhaps you simply overspent on your credit cards. Whatever your case, we will use our knowledge and experience to help you find debt relief by filing bankruptcy.

Debt problems can make you feel like you have no control over your circumstances. However, bankruptcy is your legal right to start over financially. Our skilled Jasper bankruptcy attorney and staff can help you:

  • Eliminate medical bills, credit card debt and other unsecured debt
  • Prevent or stop wage garnishment
  • Lower payments on your secured debt such as car payments
  • Repay or erase tax debt
  • Stop creditor harassment
  • Protect your consumer rights
  • Stop a foreclosure and help you get current on your home
  • Get a fresh financial start

We will talk you through the benefits of bankruptcy and analyze your situation to see if you qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, or whether Chapter 13 might better suit your needs. We will dispel bankruptcy myths that might be keeping you from obtaining the debt relief you need.

We are not just another name, phone number and fee. Our experienced bankruptcy team will personally guide you through the process. Our staff is caring and compassionate and will help make this an easy process for you and your family.

Once your bankruptcy is complete, we will help you prepare for life after bankruptcy by providing in-depth counsel on rebuilding your credit and managing a budget, among other things. By explaining your rights and options in clear, easy-to-understand terms, we seek to help you make informed decisions about how to achieve a debt-free future.

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Contact A Jasper Bankruptcy Attorney For Help

We are not just another name, number and fee. We combine personal advocacy with efficient legal representation to help you obtain a fresh financial start. Contact our firm today for a free initial consultation with a Jasper bankruptcy lawyer by calling 205-349-1280.

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.

The following language is required pursuant to Rule 7.2, Alabama Rules of Professional Conduct. No representation is made that the quality of legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers. This website is designed for general information only. The information presented at this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of a lawyer/client relationship.

Eric Wilson Law